Graduates will enter and successfully engage in careers in Engineering and other professions appropriate to their background, interests, and skills.
Graduates will engage in continued learning through post-baccalaureate education and/or professional development in engineering or other professional fields.
Graduates will develop as leaders in their chosen professions.
The mission of the Engineering Department is to educate and prepare students at under graduate and graduate levels for leadership roles in the fields of Engineering and to conduct research for the benefit of society.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering aims to be recognized as a leader in Engineering education and research. This vision will be fulfilled through excellence in education and targeted research themes in emerging areas.
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise
Students will be assessed every week Based upon their performance
We create new strategy based upon the students performance
Now we monitor and evaluate student's upgrade in the upcoming assessment.
We iterating the before process we make the best Engineer and are placed globally at Top Tier Companies.
The department has over 150 Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo computers, which are fully networked and have the latest software. The computer center is fully air conditioned with adequate UPS backup, having covered up area of more than 15000 sq.ft and has internet facilities through 3mbps leased line with Aircel and local loop by Aircel Corp.
The department Library has books, which comprised of titles related to latest trends as well as related the curriculum of the students. There are also many general books, which are helpful for the students to prepare for the Aptitude Exam. The total numbers of books are more than 10000.
Intrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreIntrinsicly redefine competitive e-business before adaptive potentialiti. Professionally build progressive users with.
Read MoreA small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise